Take a look at my portfolio projects and feel free to reach out with any questions.
ML to Predict Hotel Reviews - Github
Implemented text classification with machine learning algorithms and sentiment analysis with NLP.
Scraped data from TripAdvisor using Beautiful Soup and Selenium libraries.
Implemented 2 vectorization methods: Word Count vectorizer and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency.
Partitioned of the target value into 5, 3 and 2 categories to improve accuracy.
Built 8 ML classifiers identifying Support Vector Machine as the top performing model with a 87% accuracy score after tuning the parameters using GridSearchCV algorithm.
2. ML to Predict Amazon Reviews Sentiment - Github
Applied machine learning in an NLP classification task to identify positive or negative reviews.
Scraped Amazon review data to create custom dataset using the Beautiful Soup library.
Created shaped word clouds that make it easy for audiences to visualize the top words in the reviews.
Implemented sentiment analysis in my dataset for labelling purposes.
Built 9 machine learning architectures identifying AdaBoost as the top performing model with a 86% accuracy score.
3. ML to Predict Students Performance - Github
Implemented machine learning models to predict student performance.
Built classification models capable of predicting student performance with 89% accuracy based on students demographic, social and economic characteristics.
Created 6 machine learning architectures with a grid search, identifying Gradient Boosting as the top performing model.
Used over-sampling technique (SMOTE) to adjust the class distribution of the target value.