L1 Norm VS L2 Norm
Source: Wikipedia
While practicing machine learning, you may have come upon a choice of the mysterious L1 vs L2. Usually the two decisions are : L1-regularization vs L2-regularization.
Regularization is used in machine learning to prevent overfitting. Mathematically speaking, it adds a regularization term in order to prevent the coefficients to fit so perfectly to overfit. The difference between the L1 and L2 is just that L2 is the sum of the square of the weights, while L1 is just the sum of the weights.
Built-in feature selection is frequently mentioned as a useful property of the L1-norm, which the L2-norm does not. This is actually a result of the L1-norm, which tends to produces sparse coefficients (explained below). Suppose the model have 100 coefficients but only 10 of them have non-zero coefficients, this is effectively saying that “the other 90 predictors are useless in predicting the target values”. L2-norm produces non-sparse coefficients, so does not have this property.
Sparsity refers to that only very few entries in a matrix (or vector) is non-zero. L1-norm has the property of producing many coefficients with zero values or very small values with few large coefficients.
Computational efficiency. L1-norm does not have an analytical solution, but L2-norm does. This allows the L2-norm solutions to be calculated computationally efficiently. However, L1-norm solutions does have the sparsity properties which allows it to be used along with sparse algorithms, which makes the calculation more computationally efficient.